101 Powerful Root Chakra Affirmations To Keep Yourself Grounded & Balanced

101 Powerful Root Chakra Affirmations To Keep Yourself Grounded & Balanced

root chakra affirmations to clear blockages, feel grounded, balanced, safe, secure, stable

Try these root chakra affirmations to heal and ground yourself so that you feel balanced, secure and stable. By repeating these affirmations, you can help to clear any blockages in your root chakra and keep your energy flowing freely.

Staying grounded and balanced is necessary for the quality of your life and root chakra (Muladhara) affirmations are an easy and effective way of getting you there.

The root chakra is responsible for your sense of security and safety, so it’s important to keep it in balance. By using affirmations, we can help to keep the root chakra in alignment and ensure that we are always feeling grounded and centred.

When your root chakra is unbalanced, you can feel disconnected from your sense of safety and security. This can lead to feelings of anxiety and instability.

So, if you’re looking for affirmations to keep you grounded and balanced, look no further. Here are 101 of the best root chakra affirmations to help you stay connected to your body and the earth.

101 Root Chakra Affirmations

  1. I give thanks for this day and moment
  2. I am grateful to have all the resources I need easily available to me
  3. I am grateful that my root chakra is balanced and I feel secure and grounded
  4. My root chakra feels aligned and I feel anchored, safe and stable
  5. I am thankful that I feel safe and grounded
  6. I deserve to feel safe, secure and gounded
  7. I am so grateful for my body, strong and healthy
  8. I feel so grateful for my life
  9. I am grateful for all the oppportunites I’m blessed with
  10. I give myself permission to be my authentic self
  11. It feels so good and right to be my true, authentic self
  12. I feel safe knowing that the energy I put out is reflected in my reality and experiences and comes right back to me
  13. I feel safe knowing that I am enough
  14. I trust myself
  15. I know my purpose
  16. I feel safe following my purpose
  17. I stay true to my values
  18. I am honest
  19. I am kind and caring
  20. I am confident
  21. I am protected and safe
  22. I am financially secure
  23. I am capable of greatness
  24. I deserve everything I desire
  25. I deserve success and abundance
  26. I choose to be true to myself and allow abundance to flow easily to me
  27. I choose to be abundant
  28. I feel safe living the abundant life I deserve
  29. I am open to receive the abundance that life has to offer
  30. I love myself unconditionally
  31. I allow myself to release everything that no longer serves me
  32. I allow myself to feel happy in this moment
  33. I am thankful that I can live and be happy in the present moment
  34. I choose positivity in this moment
  35. I feel safe choosing positivity
  36. I allow myself to see the good in every situation
  37. I feel connected with my body, thoughts and emotions
  38. I am constantly allowing myself to heal and rejuvenate
  39. I listen to my body and mind to give myself what I need
  40. I’m always well taken care of by God / Higher Power / the Universe
  41. My thoughts and feelings are reflected in my reality and I choose to be the energy I want to attract
  42. I allow the energy of light and peace to flow to me and surround me
  43. I allow myself to feel the love and support around me
  44. I am deeply loved
  45. I am stable, safe and secure
  46. I forgive myself and others
  47. I let go of past pain easily, knowing it has no place in my present moment
  48. I release all fear
  49. I let go of anxiety and choose to believe that everything will work out in the best way for me
  50. When I feel anxious, I focus my thoughts and bring myself to the present moment, allowing myself to feel safe and secure
  51. I release and let go of all my limiting beliefs
  52. I am secure within myself
  53. I am deeply supported in everything I do
  54. My feet are planted firmly on the ground like tree roots
  55. I feel more grounded in my body with each breath that I take
  56. I allow myself to trust my intuition
  57. I am strong
  58. I am connected to the earth
  59. I am safe and secure
  60. I’m a strong, resilient person
  61. I keep getting better and better with each breath that I take!
  62. I am safe, secure and protected in my life
  63. I’m a magnet for love and abundance
  64. My life is good
  65. I let it be easy to trust that I have everything I need within me
  66. I trust that everything I need will be provided at the right time
  67. I feel fulfilled, content, and happy
  68. Positive healing energy flows easily to my root chakra
  69. I feel connected to nature
  70. I am safe, secure and protected in every area of my life.
  71. I give myself permission to feel beautiful, loved and supported right now!
  72. I trust in the flow of life
  73. I belong – I am free from self doubt and worry
  74. I feel comfortable in my skin
  75. I choose to trust that God / The Universe / Higher Power is constantly guiding me
  76. I trust that what is meant for me will always find its way to me
  77. I am open to receive financial abundance
  78. It is safe for me to be financially stable
  79. It is safe for me to be financially free
  80. It feels good and safe for me to have more money that I need
  81. I choose my response and reaction in every situation
  82. My inner child has healed from pain
  83. I allow my inner child to be protected and safe
  84. I feel at peace with my past self and let go of past mistakes and pain
  85. It is safe for me to follow my dreams and desires
  86. Everything always works out for me in the best way
  87. I allow my life to get better and better everyday
  88. I allow myself to be the energy and beauty that I need in this world
  89. Stability feels natural and safe for me
  90. My energy is always attracting the right people into my life
  91. I am powerful and limitless
  92. I am committed to personal growth
  93. Difficult situations allow me to learn and grow
  94. I am open to change and know I can handle anything
  95. I allow myself to release pain and suffering from my life
  96. I release all negativity and limiting beliefs holding me back from living the life I want and deserve
  97. I give myself to be brave and strong
  98. I allow the things I want to flow to me easily
  99. I am a vibrational match for everything I desire
  100. I am empowered to take control of my thoughts, beliefs and energy
  101. I am committed to balancing my root chakra

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Signs of An Imbalanced Root Chakra

Here are some typical signs of an imbalanced root chakra:

  • Unbalanced
  • Lack of motivation
  • Feeling Stuck
  • Exhausted
  • Anxious
  • Impatient
  • Depressed
  • Anger

How To Stay Grounded & Balanced With 101 Root Chakra Affirmations

The root chakra (Muladhara) is the foundation of all the chakras and is located at the spine’s base.

Similar to the root of a tree, the root chakra provides the foundation for your life. It helps you to feel grounded and resilient.

You can use positive root chakra affirmations to become grounded and balanced by choosing the affirmations that resonate with you and repeating them daily.

I’ve found that I get the best results when I practice repeating positive affirmations in this way:

  • Before repeating any affirmation, start by breathing deeply to help you to relax.
  • When you repeat the affirmation, be sure to do so with emotion and feeling.
  • It is also extremely helpful to visualize while you’re repeating the positive affirmation.

If you follow this method and practice repeating these affirmations every day, your subconscious mind should begin to believe what you’re saying.

As a result, it will also start to reflect that belief in your actions and behaviors.

If you’re having trouble believing the affirmations, try this:

Take some time to reframe those negative thoughts and beliefs into positive statements and look for evidence to support your new positive thoughts. The evidence will help you to believe in the affirmation over time.

How To Use Root Chakra Affirmations

  • bookmark this page to choose a root chakra affirmation daily
  • choose one affirmation and make it your root chakra mantra for the week
  • start and end your day with a root chakra affirmation that resonates with you
  • write your affirmations on a post it and sitck it in areas where you will see them often
  • write your favorite root chakra affirmations on pieces of paper or post-it notes and carry them around with you to read throughout the day
  • record yourself saying the root chakra affirmations and listen to them
  • say your affirmations out loud to yourself multiple times each day
  • create a wallpaper for your digital device, using your favorite root chakra affirmations
  • start planning your day by writing your root chakra affirmation first
  • create reminders on your digital device using your favorite affirmations
  • create a root chakra affirmation jar and grab one each day
  • send yourself a daily email with your favorite root chakra affirmations

Take Away

By using these root chakra affirmations, you can feel balanced, grounded, safe, secure and stable.

These affirmations can help you to feel more connected to the earth and your body, and to release any feelings of fear or insecurity. This will allow you to live a more fulfilling and healthy life.

Remember to be patient and consistent with your practice, and soon you will see the benefits in your life.

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