55 Powerful Journal Prompts To Remove Negative Blocks & Limiting Beliefs About Your Relationship
These journal prompts will help you to identify your limiting beliefs and negative blocks about your relationship.
These limiting beliefs about your relationship and your partner will hold you back and prevent you from the relationship you truly deserve.
Your beliefs form your perception and manifests in your reality.
Your current reality is a reflection of YOUR belief system.
If you don’t fully believe something that you want will happen for you – it won’t. If you don’t belief that you deserve your relationship and our partner, you will experience resistence and blocks, no matter how hard you try.
So if you’re finding your relationship is too difficult, start with your belief system.
Start by acknowledging your current beliefs, including all of your limiting beliefs. This is what is holding you back from achieving and expericing the best that your relationship be.
Your limiting beliefs hold you back from receiving the best that life has to offer.
If you don’t believe you deserve the things you want in life, you will be apprehensive to receive them and you will create blocks around you receiving them.
Similarly, if you want a relationship with someone but you don’t believe you deserve the relationship, you will experience blocks along the path to being with the person or being happy in the relationship.
The best path to what you want is the one with least resistence. Once you feel resistence, take the time to assess your feelings, connect with yourself to become aware and acknowledge your limiting beliefs.
Then take the necessary steps to eliminate your limiting beliefs by reframing your negative thoughts and beliefs and redirecting your negative energy into something positive that will add value and align yourself with what you want.
53 Journal Prompts To Remove Limiting Beliefs About My Relationship
- Do I love myself? What qualities do I love about myself?
- Do I recognize the importance of loving myself first so that I can receive love from another person?
- When I take the time to engage in self love and self awareness, I am bringing my best self into my relationships. Do I believe this statement? Do I fill my cup first? If no, am I willing to try to fill my cup first?
- What qualities do I want to work on for my personal growth
- Would I want to be in a relationship with myself? If yes, what qualities do I possess that I love. If no, what qualities what do I want to change or improve upon
- Describe my ideal relationship. Do I feel deserving of this relationship?
- Do I feel resistence in my current relationship? If yes, what am I resistent about?
- Do I feel there is good communication in my relationship?
- Am I afraid that if things get better and I fall in love with my partner, I will get hurt? Is this keeping me back?
- Do I live in the present moment in my relationship? If no, what makes this difficult for me?
- Do I constantly remember the past and bring it into my current reality
- Do I tend to expect the worst from my partner based on past experiences or do I choose to give my partner a fair chance?
- Do I fear/worry about the future with my partner
- Am I grateful for my partner
- How does my partner add value to my life
- How does my partner add value to the relationship
- Do I trust myself
- Do I trust my partner
- When I hurt my partner, do I feel like I’m getting off “easy” and I should not be forgiven
- Am I able to receive kindness from my partner?
- Am I open and giving in my relationship? If no, what is holding me back from giving my partner what is needed/asked for?
- What do I need to be able to overcome these fears and limiting beliefs so that I can be more open and giving
- Do I believe I deserve to be happy in this relationship
- Do I believe I deserve to be with my partner
- In what ways do I feel like I don’t deserve my partner
- Do I believe I deserve to be happy
- Do I feel like my partner deserves me
- Do I put my partner’s needs above mine? If yes, why don’t I believe that my happiness matters ?
- Do I forgive my partner for past mistakes and pain caused
- Do I forgive myself for my mistakes
- Do I project my past issues with others on to my partner?
- Do I tend to focus on the good qualities in my partner or do I tend to feel like my partner is not doing enough
- In what ways can I practice expressing gratitude for my partner and our relationship?
- Do I recognize growth in your partner? In what ways have I seen my partner grow?
- Why do I think that my partner hasn’t done enough or isn’t doing enough to grow
- Do I feel comfortable expressing my positive feelings to my partner?
- What do I think my partner deserves?
- Am I confident that I have what it takes to give my partner what is deserved?
- What are my expectations of my partner? Of the relationship?
- Do I give my partner the same things I am asking for and expect from them?
- Do I think my partner is doing their best?
- Do I think my partner deserves what they want?
- What are my biggest fears about my partner ? How can I change those fears?
- Do I truly love my partner? or am I just comfortable? or do I feel an obligation to stay in the relationship because of finances or kids?
- Why do I really want to be with my partner? Is this my conscious choice?
- What value do I add to the relationship?
- What value do I bring to my partner?
- Do I believe I’m doing enough? If no, what would I like to work on doing more of
- What do I think of my partner’s career?
- What do I think about my partner’s passions?
- Am I able to selflessly give to my partner? Or, do I need positive reinforcement to do the things I believe my partner deserves? If yes, why?
- Do I truly care what my partner wants? Or do I think I give enough and they should accept what I give and be content
- Do I think I am the best person for my partner?
- Do I believe that my partner loves me? if no, why do I believe this?
- What do I need for me to feel that my partner loves me?
- If I remove all that is holding me back, what is the best outcome? Is this outcome worth putting in the work of removing my limiting beliefs?
How To Reframe Limiting Beliefs About My Relationship
Reframing limiting beliefs is not as hard as it may seem.
Once you have identified your limiting beliefs, here’s what you can do:
- on a blank sheet of paper, create 3 columns
- in the first column, list your limiting beliefs
- in the second, next to each limiting belief, write a positive statement to challenge it
- in the last column, write some evidence to validate the positive statement – this helps you to believe the affirmation over time
- lastly, cut off the first column and use the last two columns to change your thoughts and beliefs
How To Use Positive Statements To Make Your Relationship Better
For each positive statement, remember to also repeat the evidence.
- choose one affirmation and make it your mantra of the day or week
- start and end your day with an affirmation that resonates with you
- write your affirmations and evidence on a post it and sitck it in areas where you will see them often
- write them down on pieces of paper or post-it notes and carry them around with you to read throughout the day
- record yourself saying your affirmations and listen to them
- say your affirmations out loud to yourself multiple times each day
- create a wallpaper for your digital device
- start planning your day by writing your self affirmation
- create reminders on your digital device using your favorite affirmation
- create a self affirmation jar and grab one each day
- send yourself a daily email with your affirmation
5 Powerful Affirmations To Start Reframing Your Thoughts & Limiting Beliefs About Your Relationship
Here are just 5 positive statements to help you get started:
- I have the power within me to attract the relationship I want to have.
- I have the power within me to be the change I need to have in my relationship.
- I have the power within me to let go of the things that aren’t working and to redirect my negative energy to positive things, like my values.
- I have the power to choose to live in the present moment and enjoy my relationship
- I choose to let go of what no longer serves me in the relationship
Living in the moment and being happy right now is key to accepting the current reality of your relationship and allowing space for positive change to occur.
Living in the past bring your past experienes into your present moment and disrupts your happiness.
And, worrying about the future is actually preventing you from firstly enjoying what you have right in front of you now.
It’s also preventing you from doing the things necessary to add value and make your relationship better.
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These journal prompts are designed to help you think about the reality of your situation.
Once you are honest with yourself, it allows you to reflect on your true feelings and can help to identify your limiting beliefs that are hold you back from having the realtionship you desire.
Once you’ve identified your limiting beliefs, you can now work on reframing those beliefs by making positive statements to repeat to yourself daily.
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