How To Create A Morning Gratitude Habit – 11 Effective Ways

How To Create A Morning Gratitude Habit - 11 Effective Ways

In this post, I’m sharing 11 incredibly easy ways to learn how to get into the habit of practicing gratitude every morning.

Practicing gratitude first thing in the morning has the power to change your life. Being grateful for all that you have as soon as you wake up can result in increased abundance, happiness, self love and confidence.

Gratitude allows you to focus on the abundance already in your life and when you focus on the good, the good gets better. Therefore, by being grateful, you allow yourself to be open to receive more of everything you’re thankful for in your life.

Starting your day with an attitude of gratitude can set the tone for the rest of your day and help you stay focused on what’s important in life.

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11 Ways To Create A Morning Gratitude Habit

Expressing gratitude first thing in the morning would soon become one of your best habits.

These are some simple ways that you can very easily incorporate gratitude into your morning routine.

  1. Wake Up Alarm Gratitude Reminder
  2. Create a morning gratitude reminder on your digital device
  3. Create a Post It Morning Gratitude Reminder
  4. Gratitude Reminder Artwork
  5. Use gratitude affirmations
  6. Record Yourself Expressing Gratitude
  7. Create a gratitude reminder wallpaper for your digital device
  8. Use a Gratitude Daily Planner
  9. Create a morning gratitude jar
  10. Use a monthly or yearly gratitude list
  11. Send Yourself a gratitude reminder email the night before
How To Create A Morning Gratitude Habit - 11 Effective Ways

Wake up alarm

One of the easiest ways to remind yourself to express gratitude as soon as you wake up is to create a gratitude alarm.

Simply rename your morning alarm to something that will prompt you to start your day with an expression of gratitude.

Then take just a few moments to reflect upon all that you are thankful for in your life.

It doesn’t matter how small or insignificant it feels to you; any kind of appreciation for what you have is a step forward in cultivating an attitude of gratitude first thing in the morning and throughout your day.

When the alarm rings, you can continue to lay in bed with your eyes still closed. Take some deep breaths and allow yourself to focus on the things that you’re grateful for in the moment.

How To Create A Morning Gratitude Habit - 11 Effective Ways

Create a morning gratitude reminder on your digital device

If you don’t enjoy waking up to an alarm, you can simply set a reminder on your digial device to prompt yourself to express gratitude and to begin creating this new habit of expressing gratitude as soon as you wake up.

A morning gratitude reminder can be an effective to encourage you to take the time to acknowledge the things in life that you are grateful for.

This will not only bring more abundance, joy and contentment into your life but will also help you develop a habit of practicing gratitude every morning.

How To Create A Morning Gratitude Habit - 11 Effective Ways

Create a Post It Morning Gratitude Reminder

Another way to start creating a morning gratitude habit is to write a reminder on a post it and sitck it in an area that you see first thing in the morning.

I love this idea as it also allows you to create a gratitude habit without having to rely on your digial device first thing in the morning.

How To Create A Morning Gratitude Habit - 11 Effective Ways

Gratitude Reminder Artwork

For those looking for ways to create a habit of practicing gratitude in the morning, creating an artwork that serves as a reminder can be a great way to start your morning.

Artwork can easily be tailored to suit any space or taste and it’s also an ideal way to reflect your gratitude journey.

Framing a piece of art that is meaningful to you and displays your appreciation of the abundance in your life can help you to include gratitude in your morning routine and set the tone for your day.

Using whatever materials available at hand, start by making a piece of art with words, images or both that remind you to start your day with gratitude.

Inspiration could come from nature, quotes, photographs or even abstract shapes or colours — anything that resonates with your personal preference.

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How To Create A Morning Gratitude Habit - 11 Effective Ways

Use Gratitude Affirmations In The Morning

Gratitude affirmations can help you to get into the habit of practicing gratitude every morning.

Gratitude affirmations are simple statements that express appreciation and thankfulness, allowing you to recognize all that you have and feel content with it.

You can choose your favorite gratitude affirmation(s) the night before and write it on a sticky or create and name your wake up alarm or reminder on your digital device using your the gratitude affirmation that resonates with you.

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How To Create A Morning Gratitude Habit - 11 Effective Ways

Record Yourself Expressing Gratitude

Record yourself saying the gratitude statement and listen to them as you get ready for your day.

Practicing gratitude in the morning can be made much easier if you record yourself saying a simple statement of thanks, and then listen to it as part of your everyday routine.

Begin by taking just a few minutes each morning to say something along the lines of “I am thankful for…” or “Today I am grateful for…”

You can also choose from this list of gratitude affirmations or gratitude quotes.

Record this statement on your phone or another device so that you have it handy every morning and even throughout day.

How To Create A Morning Gratitude Habit - 11 Effective Ways

Create A Gratitude Reminder Wallpaper For Your Digital Device

Creating a gratitude reminder wallpaper for your digital device might be just what you need to create the habit of morning gratitude.

With this wallpaper, you can easily remind yourself to start your day off with a grateful heart, full of appreciation and thankfulness.

It’s easy to make – start by finding an inspiring image that speaks to the heart of being grateful.

Once you’ve found one, turn it into a wallpaper for your phone or computer.

Put it up as soon as possible so that every time you look at your device in the morning, it will serve as a reminder to express gratitude.

You can also add words of affirmations or gratitude quotes that remind yourself to live with a gratitude and show thanks for all the good things in life.

How To Create A Morning Gratitude Habit - 11 Effective Ways

Use a Gratitude Daily Planner

Starting your day off by taking just a few moments each morning to write down 1-3 things that you are grateful for can help create an attitude of appreciation and joy as you go through the day.

By starting your day with gratitude, you can help shift your mindset away from negative emotions such as fear, anxiety and anger.

This daily practice of self-reflection and appreciation can also increase mindfulness which helps to keep our thoughts focused on positive outcomes.

This simple practice doesn’t need to take up lots of time but will have huge benefits in your life.

How To Create A Morning Gratitude Habit - 11 Effective Ways

Create A Morning Gratitude Jar

Another way to practice gratitude each morning is by creating a morning gratitude jar.

Fill the jar with pieces of paper containing things that you’re grateful for in life. You can use this gratitude list to help you.

It could be anything from having a roof over your head and food to eat, to being surrounded by friends and family, or even something small like having access to Netflix.

Place your gratitude jar somewhere that it’s easily visible in your home – perhaps on your kitchen counter or bedside table – so that when you wake up each morning, it’s one of the things you see and do in your morning graitude routine.

How To Create A Morning Gratitude Habit - 11 Effective Ways

Use A Monthly or Yearly Gratitude List

A monthly or yearly gratitude list is an excellent tool for helping you get into the habit of expressing appreciation for life’s blessings and joys.

Not only does it allow you to reflect on all that you have, but it also gives you something tangible to refer to throughout the month or year.

Having a physical list that outlines all the things in your life which bring peace and happiness will help remind yourself to focus on how blessed and abundant you are.

By recognizing these items, no matter how small, it can lead to a greater sense of contentment as well as give purpose and value to every moment.

You may even find yourself being more mindful throughout the day by paying closer attention to details or seeking out moments of joy.

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How To Create A Morning Gratitude Habit - 11 Effective Ways

Send Yourself a Morning Gratitude Reminder Email The Night Before

Sending yourself a gratitude reminder email the night before is another effective strategy to add gratitude into your morning routine.

When crafting your reminder email, keep it short and sweet.

You can simply send yourself an email with the subject “I’m grateful for…”.

In the body, you can also choose to write something and include words of affirmations and thanks for things like good health or relationships with loved ones as these are often taken for granted but are true blessings in life.

How To Create A Morning Gratitude Habit - 11 Effective Ways

Take Away

Practicing gratitude every morning is a great way to start each day with a positive mindset.

It helps you to start your day focusing on the abundance you have instead of what you lack.

Focusing on abundance by expressing gratitude, puts you into alignment and allows you to be open to receive more abundance.

So, start your day with a few moments of gratitude, it doesn’t take much effort and you will soon start to experience the positive effects of being grateful.

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