43 Powerful Heart Chakra Affirmations For Opening The Heart To Unconditional Love

Repeat these heart chakra affirmations to heal and open your heart to fully experience the miracle and joy of giving and receiving unconditional love

There are few things more powerful than love and when we open our hearts to experience it fully, our lives are transformed in the most beautiful ways.

Heart chakra affirmations are a great tool to help us open our hearts to unconditional love. By repeating these affirmations, you can begin to let go of the fears and doubts that prevent you from experiencing the fullness of love.

The heart chakra is one of the most powerful energy centers in the body and is located at center of your chest at your heart’s level. It is responsible for unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness and empathy.

When it is open and balanced, we feel love, compassion, and kindness towards others. We are also able to give and receive love more easily.

However, when the heart chakra is blocked or imbalanced, we may feel closed off, resentful, or hurt.

Heart chakra affirmations can help to open and balance the heart chakra, allowing us to experience more love in our lives.

Here are some of my favorite, powerful affirmations for opening the heart chakra to experience unconditional love for yourself and others.

43 Heart Chakra Affirmations For Opening The Heart

  1. I am grateful for all the love in my life
  2. I love myself unconditionally
  3. It is safe for me to open my heart to enjoy the experience of unconditional love
  4. It is safe for me to love
  5. It’s important for me to love myself unconditionally first
  6. I choose to love and nurture my mind, body and soul daily
  7. I am open to receiving the love I deserve
  8. It is safe for me to be loved
  9. I am worthy of love, understanding and compassion
  10. I forgive myself, others and release the past
  11. I choose to live in the present moment
  12. I am constantly surrounded by an aura of love and light
  13. I allow myself to believe in the power of love
  14. I choose love over fear and doubt
  15. My loving energy attracts healthy, loving relationships
  16. It’s easy for me to accept compliments
  17. Love easily flows through me, filling me with peace and happiness
  18. I allow myself to feel the love all around me
  19. I choose love everyday
  20. I am whole and complete
  21. I love and respect myself
  22. My love is best for me
  23. Love allows me to set healthy boundaries with others
  24. I let go of self limiting beliefs, negative self talk and criticism
  25. I replace my limiting beliefs with love and compassion
  26. My kind and loving energy attracts healthy relationships
  27. I attract honest, kind, compassionate people and friendships
  28. I accept and love my family and friends for who they are
  29. I allow myself to see the beauty of love everywhere I go
  30. I am able to experience love in everything I do
  31. I feel happier when I allow myself to give love and receive love
  32. Love makes every moment better
  33. The way I love myself shows others how to love me
  34. The more love I show and give, the more I receive
  35. My love allows me to forgive myself and let go of the past
  36. By loving myself I am able to let go of the things that don’t serve me
  37. The love within me allows me to forgive others and let go of pain
  38. Love, compassion and forgiveness allow me to trust and attract trusting relationships
  39. I open my heart and soul to love, letting it flow through me into all parts of my life
  40. The love that I give to myself flows through me and blesses everyone around me
  41. I feel peaceful and content with my life
  42. I am thankful for the love that is flowing through me and for the love I have to give
  43. My life is filled with love and abundance
heart chakra affirmations for unconditional love, healing, compassion, forgiveness, empathy

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How To Use Heart Chakra Affirmations To Unblock and Heal Your Heart

Heart chakra affirmations can be particularly helpful in unblocking and healing your heart chakra. Using heart chakra affirmations can help you to re-connect with your heart center and promote healing.

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome negative thoughts and beliefs.

Here’s How I love to repeart Heart Chakra Affirmations

  • Breathing deeply to help you to relax
  • Visualize as you are repeating the affirmation
  • Repeat the affirmation with emotion and feeling
  • Believe in the affirmation

Take some time to reframe those negative thoughts and beliefs into positive statements and look for evidence to support your new positive thoughts. The evidence will help you to believe in the affirmation over time.

heart chakra affirmations - affirmations for heart chakra, heart chakra healing - for unconditional love, healing, compassion, forgiveness, empathy- gratefulmanifesting.com

Here are some ideas of how you can use Heart Chakra Affirmations

  • bookmark this page to choose an affirmation daily
  • choose one affirmation for and make it your mantra of the week
  • choose one affirmation for each day of the new week
  • start and end your day with a heart chakra affirmation that resonates with you
  • write your affirmations for the on a post it and sitck it in areas where you will see them often
  • write them down on pieces of paper or post-it notes and carry them around with you to read throughout the day
  • record yourself saying your affirmations and listen to them
  • say your affirmations out loud to yourself multiple times each day
  • create a wallpaper for your digital device
  • start planning your day by writing your affirmation
  • create reminders on your digital device using your favorite affirmation
  • create a self affirmation jar and grab one each day
  • send yourself a daily email with your affirmation

You can also use these heart affirmations as inspiration to create your own affirmations.

I find the best way to create your own affirmations is to try to focus on using positive words and avoid using negative words.

The key is to find a method that works for you and then be consistent with it. The more often you remind yourself of your positive qualities, the more likely you are to believe them and achieve your goals.

Take Away

By repeating these heart chakra affirmations, you can begin to let go of the past, open yourself up to love, and live more fully in the present moment.

So, if you are struggling with heart chakra issues, give these affirmations a try. You will most likely end up experiencing more joy and unconditional love in your life.

You will love these affirmations

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