53 Affirmations For Divine Feminine Energy: Awaken Your Inner Goddess

It’s time to awaken your inner Goddess with these positive affirmations for divine feminine energy.

The divine feminine is the aspect of the female energy that is connected to the Earth and the natural world.

When you love yourself unconditionally, believe in yourself, you are authentic and confident in who you truly are, you exude a magnetic energy that high value people are naturally drawn to you.

There are many ways to connect with your inner Goddess, but one of the most effective ways for many is through repeating positive affirmations.

Affirmations are a powerful tool to help shift your energy and focus your intention.

They are positive statements that you can say to yourself to help you to channel divine feminine energy and connect with your highest self.

When you repeat positive statements about yourself, you can begin to change the way you think and feel.

When you connect with your inner Goddess, you tap into a powerful source of wisdom, strength, and love.

Since you’ve landed on this post, take it as a sure sign that now is the time to awaken your Goddess within.

53 Divine Feminine Energy Affirmations

  1. I am grateful for my divine feminine energy
  2. I embody divine feminine energy
  3. I am thankful for the divine guidance of the Higher Power
  4. I am a powerful Goddess
  5. I am complete and love myself unconditionally
  6. I already have everything I need within me
  7. I naturally exude confidence that is magnetic and draws high value people and experiences to me
  8. I don’t chase, I attract
  9. My energy is magnetic and irresistable
  10. Only my validation matters
  11. My validation is more than enough for me
  12. I trust my intuition and know what is best for me
  13. I believe in myself
  14. I enjoy being fully present in the moment
  15. I release self limiting beliefs to make room for my inner Goddess to shine
  16. I let go of everything that no longer serves me
  17. I am peaceful and calm because I know that everything always works out for me in the best way
  18. I am open and available for the best that life has to offer
  19. I am open to receiving everything I desire
  20. I enjoy expressing my femininity
  21. I am soft and strong
  22. I am bold and beautiful
  23. I am confident and unstoppable
  24. I am valuable
  25. I am irresitable and irreplaceable
  26. I am divine and magical
  27. I am a Goddess in my own right
  28. I am a powerful, beautiful woman
  29. I am divine love
  30. I am here to express my divinity and bring it to the world
  31. My pleasure is a priority
  32. I love to feel good in my body
  33. It feels good to consistently make time to treat myself
  34. I am loving and compassionate
  35. I am in control of my peace
  36. I am grounded, safe and secure
  37. I am nuturing and loving
  38. My unique beauty is captivating and magnetic
  39. I am authentic and honor my true self
  40. I am radiant and full of light and love
  41. I am a Goddess and I am the world
  42. I already have everything I desire within me
  43. Abundance is my standard
  44. I am a natural magnet for abundance
  45. I create my own happiness
  46. I am confident and radiant
  47. I am the energy I attract
  48. I embody the frequency that I want to experience
  49. I am magnetic and it’s easy for me to attract everything I want
  50. I am worthy of love and respect
  51. I set healthy boundaries for myself
  52. It’s easy for me to breathe, relax and focus on myself
  53. I am unique and that is my super power
divine feminine affirmations - goddess affirmations - gratefulmanifesting.com

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How To Use Affirmations

Use these affirmations in this post to feel safe and confident to trust the process and timing of your life.

I’ve found that I get the best results when I practice repeating positive affirmations in this way:

  • Before repeating any affirmation, start by breathing deeply to help you to relax.
  • When you repeat the affirmation, be sure to do so with emotion and feeling.
  • It is also extremely helpful to visualize while you’re repeating the positive affirmation.

If you follow this method and practice repeating these affirmations every day, your subconscious mind should begin to believe what you’re saying.

As a result, it will also start to reflect that belief in your actions and behaviors.

If you’re having trouble believing the affirmations, try this:

Take some time to reframe those negative thoughts and beliefs into positive statements and look for evidence to support your new positive thoughts. The evidence will help you to believe in the affirmation over time.

How To Use Divine Feminine Affirmations

  • bookmark this page to choose a positive affirmation daily
  • choose one affirmation and make it your affirmation for the week
  • start and end your day with a positive affirmation that resonates with you
  • write your affirmations on a post it and sitck it in areas where you will see them often
  • write your favorite affirmations on pieces of paper or post-it notes and carry them around with you to read throughout the day
  • record yourself saying the positive affirmations and listen to them
  • say your affirmations out loud to yourself multiple times each day
  • create a wallpaper for your digital device, using your favorite affirmations
  • start planning your day by writing your affirmation first
  • create reminders on your digital device using your favorite affirmations
  • create a divine feminine affirmation jar and grab one each day
  • send yourself a daily email with your favorite positive affirmations

You can also use these affirmations as inspiration to create your own divine feminine energy affirmations.

I find the best way to create your own affirmations is to focus on using positive words and avoid using negative words.

The key is to find a method that works for you and then be consistent with it.

Take Away

These Goddess affirmations are a great way to connect with your divine feminine energy.

The divine feminine owns her inner Goddess, greatness and power.

So use these divine feminine affirmations to go out there and shine your light, Goddess!

feminine energy affirmations, divine feminine affirmations - goddess affirmations - gratefulmanifesting.com

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