99 Positive Affirmations For Kids: To Boost Self Love, Esteem & Confidence

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Positive affirmations for kids are a great way to encourage them to develop a healthy mindset and confidence.

By repeating positive statements, kids can start to believe in themselves and their abilities.

These affirmations help them to develop the mindset and confidence to achieve.

These 99 positive affirmations for kids are easy for them to remember and will help them throughout their lives.

Kids love these positive affirmations because they make them feel good about themselves.

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Morning Affirmations For Kids

  1. I am grateful for my life
  2. I am grateful for my good night’s rest
  3. I am grateful for waking up
  4. I am grateful for _________
  5. Today is a fresh start
  6. Today is going to be a great day
  7. I am grateful for the opportunity to be awesome today
  8. Being positive helps me enjoy my day
  9. I love looking for things to be grateful for
  10. I am a good person
  11. I am loved
  12. I am strong and capable
  13. I am loved and I belong
  14. I am grateful for this day
  15. I am enough just as I am
  16. I choose to be happy
  17. My needs are important
  18. My opinions are valuable
  19. I make a positive difference
  20. I enjoy being kind to everyone around me
  21. I am respectful to others
  22. I can do everything I put my mind to
  23. It’s easy for me to ask for help
  24. I enjoy listening to others
  25. I love learning
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Self Love Affirmations For Kids

  1. I am thankful that I get to be me
  2. I love myself
  3. Loving myself first is important to enjoy my life, family and friends
  4. I am grateful for my big heart
  5. I am a kind person
  6. I am thankful for my talents and gifts
  7. I am smart, funny and kind
  8. I have a good sense of humor
  9. I am grateful for my imagination
  10. My dreams are important
  11. My feelings are important
  12. My best is enough
positive affirmations for kids to feel safe - positive self talk for kids - inspiring words for kids - grateful manifesting

Positive Affirmations For Kids To Feel Safe

  1. I am safe
  2. God/ Higher Power/ Universe is always keeping me safe
  3. I know how to be in the present moment
  4. I am supported
  5. It’s important for me to share my feelings
  6. It’s important for me to share my needs with my loved ones
  7. I can ask for help
  8. I know how to calm myself through deep breathing
  9. Trying new things is fun
  10. I have everything I need to help me through any tough situation
  11. I can solve any problem – either on my own or by asking for help
  12. I can let go of fears and worries and replace them with positivity
positive affirmations for kids self esteem - positive self talk for kids - inspiring words for kids - grateful manifesting

Self Esteem Affirmations For Kids

  1. I am so grateful for my life
  2. It’s awesome being me
  3. I feel loved
  4. I was born to make a positive difference
  5. I am proud of myself
  6. I am important
  7. What I want matters
  8. I am smart
  9. I am valuable
  10. I am honest
  11. I believe in myself
  12. I am loved
  13. My thoughts, ideas and opinions are valuable & valued
  14. I always do my best
  15. My family and friends appreciate me
  16. It’s okay not to always feel great
  17. My feelings are important
  18. I know that my bad feelings are only temporary
  19. It is healthy, normal and okay to cry
  20. I know how to make myself feel better
  21. I forgive myself and others and let go
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Positive Affirmations For Kids To Be Confident

  1. I have everything I need to make good choices
  2. I’ve got this!
  3. I don’t know everything and that is okay – I take this as an opportunity to learn
  4. I believe in myself
  5. I am smart and creative
  6. I am surrounded by others who want me to succeed
  7. It’s easy for me to understand new concepts
  8. I deserve the best that life has to offer
  9. I have everything within me to create what I want
  10. My potential is limitless
  11. I am unique and that is awesome
  12. It’s so cool that I get to share my ideas and opinions with others
  13. I make a positive contribution in every situation
  14. Being confident means that I know I am doing my best and I am good enough
  15. Learning is exciting and fun
  16. I love to focus on my task as it makes me more productive
  17. Once I believe in myself, I can do anything
  18. When I feel frustrated, I remember to breathe deeply to calm myself and ask for help
  19. It feels good to know that there is always a solution to any problem and I am supported and can ask for help
  20. Mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow
  21. If I don’t succeed, it means I get the opportunity to learn and try it using a different approach
  22. I am capable of succeeding at anything I put my mind to
bedtime positive affirmations for kids - positive self talk for kids - inspiring words for kids - grateful manifesting

Bedtime Affirmations For Kids

  1. Today was a great day
  2. I am grateful for these three things today ________
  3. I’m thankful that I did my best
  4. I am thankful for this comfortable bed to rest in
  5. I am blessed and grateful
  6. I enjoy sleeping and allowing my body and mind to rejuvenate and grow
  7. My mind is clear and ready to rest

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How To Use Positive Statements For Kids

It’s never too early to start teaching your kids the power of positive thinking and affirmations.

Positive affirmations are short, powerful statements that can help to change the way we think and feel about ourselves. 

For kids, these affirmations can help to boost their self-esteem, build their confidence, and develop a growth mindset.

Positive affirmations are a powerful tool that can help kids to overcome challenges and achieve success.

When used correctly, positive affirmations can help kids to build self-confidence, develop positive thinking patterns, and improve their overall outlook on life.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using positive affirmations for kids.

First, it’s important to choose affirmation statements that are realistic and achievable.

For example, rather than saying “I am the best at everything I do,” a more realistic affirmation might be “I am capable of succeeding at anything I put my mind to.”

Second, it’s important to make sure that the affirmation is stated in the present tense.

Here are some ideas to make positive affirmations part of kids’ everyday lives, :

  1. Start your day by repeating an affirmation that resonates with your child.
  2. Say them out loud. Speaking your affirmations aloud helps to increase their power and effectiveness.
  3. Record yourself or your child saying them and play the recording in the morning and evening before bed
  4. Write them down. Writing down your affirmations is also a great way to increase their power and effectiveness.
  5. Make post its for your child or with your child and put them in a place for your child to see it often.
  6. Create art with your child and hang them in a place where the family can enjoy it and be reminded to repeat the affirmations
  7. End the day with a positive affirmation before bed
positive affirmations for kids - positive self talk for kids - inspiring words for kids - grateful manifesting


These positive affirmations for kids encourage positive thinking and helps to boost self-love, esteem, and confidence.

They can be used in many different ways, such as writing them down, saying them out loud, or making them into a song or game.

They should be used daily and can also be used in many specific situations, such as when your child is facing a challenge or feeling down.

By teaching kids to say positive affirmations, you can empower them to feel better about themselves and build their confidence.

By doing this, you are setting them up for a bright future full of positivity, gratitude, happiness, abundance and success.

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