63 Manifestation Affirmations For Entrepreneurs – Powerful To Attract Success


Transform your mindset and business with these manifestation affirmations every entrepreneur needs for success.

Positive thinking can help you attract success, manifest your dreams, and overcome obstacles.

But with the demands of running a business, it’s easy to get caught up in negative thinking. When things aren’t going according to your plan and timeline, it’s up to you to fix it and sometimes you can get sucked in to the negativity as opposed to focusing on all that you have accomplished.

As an entreupreneur, you are in charge of everything that is tied to your success and it’s important to use tools like positive affirmations to keep your mindset positive and maintain a high vibe.

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you change your negative thinking patterns. By repeating these statements to yourself, you can train your brain to think more positively about yourself and your business.

That’s why I’ve put together a list of my favorite affirmations for that help me stay positive and focused on my goals as an entrepreneur.

Recite these affirmations daily, or whenever you need a boost of positive energy.

Believe in yourself and your ability to create the life and business you want.

Remember, anything is possible if you set your mind to it!

affirmations for entrepreneurs to attract success gratitude affirmations

21 Gratitude Affirmations For Entrepreneurs

  1. I am grateful for everything I have in this moment
  2. I am grateful for my business
  3. I am grateful I get to be a successful entrepreneur
  4. I am grateful that my business helps me grow
  5. I am grateful for the opportunities that come my way
  6. I am grateful I get to do what I love every day
  7. I am grateful that I make a positive difference in this world
  8. I am grateful that I get to help others with my business
  9. I am grateful for all the wealth my business provides
  10. I am grateful for my talents
  11. I am grateful that being a business owner allows me to express myself
  12. I am grateful that I always find a solution to every business problem
  13. I am grateful that I get to stay true to my values and positively impact others
  14. I am grateful that I get to use my experiences to help others
  15. I am grateful that I understand my thoughts create my reality
  16. I am grateful that I choose to have a positive mindset and attitude towards my business
  17. I am grateful that my good energy attracts good things for my business
  18. I am grateful that everything always works out in the best way for me
  19. I am grateful for my infinite potential
  20. I am grateful that ideas flow easily to me
  21. I am grateful that I choose to receive with ease
affirmations for entrepreneurs to attract success manifestation affirmations

17 Manifestation Affirmations For Entrepreneurs

  1. I am open to success and wealth
  2. I attract abundance effortlessly
  3. I attract the right audience/customers
  4. I easily attract financial abundance with my business
  5. I am aligned with my goals
  6. Every step I take is in the right direction of my intentions and goals
  7. My intuition constantly guides me on the right path towards success
  8. I am guided and easily attracted to the path of least resistance
  9. Solutions come to me easily and effortlessly
  10. I allow myself to be open and guided to new and better ways of doing things
  11. Abundance flows to me easily
  12. I attract positive experiences in my business
  13. Opportunities are constantly finding their way to me
  14. Success flows to me effortlessly
  15. I release all limiting beliefs and fears and open myself to attract everything I need to succeed
  16. More than enough is available to me
  17. I am only available for the best for my business
affirmations for entrepreneurs to attract success - positive affirmations

25 Positive Affirmations For Enterpreneurs

  1. I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to
  2. I am attracting wealth and abundance into my life
  3. I am surrounded by supportive people who want to see me succeed
  4. I am making a difference
  5. I am in control of my business
  6. I have all the time needed to accomplish my goals
  7. My business is aligned with who I am as a person and what I want out of life
  8. My business is providing me with everything I need to live the life I want
  9. My business helps people in some way
  10. My business is growing beyond my wildest dreams
  11. I am a powerful, successful person who attracts wealth and abundance into my life
  12. I am able to create the business of my dreams
  13. I am surrounded by supportive people who want to see me succeed
  14. My business is aligned with who I am as a person and what I want out of life
  15. I am a powerful, successful person who attracts wealth and abundance into my life
  16. I believe in my business
  17. I believe in my ability as an entrepreneur
  18. I have everything I need within me to be successful
  19. I have everything I need to solve any problem that I encounter
  20. I am worthy of being a successful entrepreneur
  21. I deserve to be successful
  22. I am aware of the power of positive thinking and I let go of limiting beliefs
  23. I am surrounded by supportive people
  24. I can handly anything that comes my way
  25. My success is inevitable

How To Write Affirmations For Success In Business

The affirmations for entrepreneurs above, will help you to stay focused on what you want and positive.

However, you may also want to write your own affirmations specific to your needs.

Here are some tips on how to write your own business affirmations:

  • Choose a thought and/or a belief that you want to change about yourself and your business. Typically, this is a limiting belief or negative statement that you tell yourself.
  • Write a positive statement about the limiting belief that you chose above.
  • Keep your statement positive, free from any negative word and in the present tense. Affirmations should be written in the present tense and focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. For example, rather than saying “I won’t make any mistakes,” try “I can achieve anything I put my mind to.”
  • Make it specific to yourself and business. The more specific your affirmation, the more effective it will be for you. For instance, you can use the affirmations above to start your own affirmation and tailor it to be specific – “My success is inevitable,” try something like “My success in inevitable and my sales are up 25%.”
  • Make it realisitc and believable. If you don’t believe your affirmation, it won’t be effective. When you repeat your affirmation it should feel good and obvious for you.

Do Affirmations work for success?

Postitive affirmations are very powerful and work really well to attract success in your business, once done correctly.

For positive affirmations to work for success you have to believe in the affirmation and evoke feelings as you say it.

If you don’t believe in the affirmation and it feels weird saying it, you just need to work on removing the associated negative block and limiting belief.

An easy way to do this is by journaling to find out why you have the negative belief and then you can use your positive statement and look for evidence that it is already true for you.

Also, remember that positive affirmations take time, so stick with it and trust that in the right time, you will be guided to attract and receive everything you want.


Importance of Gratitude For Business Owners

Gratitude is an extremely powerful way to raise your vibrations to be aligned with your goals and success.

Expressing gratitude opens you up to attracting and experiencing abundance.

The more you focus on being thankful for all that you have, including your success, the more you will receive.

You will automatically be able to spot the right opportunities for yourself and your business. You will be guided to follow the path of least resistance and success will flow easily to you.

Read more about the power of gratitude and how it can transform your life.

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How To Use Positive Affirmations

When it comes to using positive affirmations, there are many different ways that you can go about it.

The most important thing is to find a method that works best for you and that you feel comfortable with.

Here are a few ideas of how to use positive affirmations for business success:

  • Write them down – A great way to make sure you always remember your affirmations is to write them down somewhere. You could keep a notebook full of them or even write them on post-it notes and stick them around your house. Seeing them every day will help to remind you of what you’re working towards and keep you motivated.
  • Start and end your day with positive affirmations.
  • Plan your day by first writing down your positive affirmation for the day.
  • Say them out loud – Another effective way to use affirmations is to say them out loud, either to yourself in the mirror or aloud in general.
  • Create an image of your affirmation and use it as your phone and laptop’s background
  • Set a reminder on your phone and laptop’s calendar using your positive affirmation


Repeating positive affirmations that you believe are powerful tools to help entrepreneurs attract success.

By repeating positive statements about yourself and your business, you can change your mindset to create a more positive outlook and ultimately your reality, which will lead to improved results and success.

If you are an entrepreneur, looking to manifest success in your life and business, start by using affirmations daily.

With time and practice, you will see the power of affirmations firsthand.

You will love these affirmations

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