41 New Moon Affirmations To Raise Your Vibrations And Manifest Your Best Life

These new moon affirmations will help to embrace new beginnings, raise your vibrations and put you into alignment with what you want to manifest into your life.

The new moon can be a powerful time to connect with your higher self and tap into your intuition.

It is a great time for setting intention as what you focus on during this time can be powerful in manifesting everything you desire.

By harnessing the energy of the new moon, you can supercharge your focus and intentions to manifest everything you want.

Here are some powerful new moon affirmations to help you manifest your deepest desires. These affirmations will help you to focus on what you want to create in your life.

41 New Moon Affirmations

  1. I am grateful for the guidance of the Higher Power
  2. I am thankful for all the abundance in my life
  3. I am grateful that I get to live this amazing life
  4. I am thankful for new beginnings and opportunities
  5. I am grateful for the opportunities to raise my vibrations and energy
  6. I am aligned with everything I desire
  7. I am open to receiving everything I want
  8. I allow it to be easy for me to receive abundance
  9. Everything I desire flows to me with ease
  10. I already have everything I need within me
  11. I love myself unconditionally
  12. I am grateful that my life keeps getting better and better
  13. I am worthy of everything I desire
  14. Everything always works out for me in the best way
  15. I am thankful and open to all opportunities and possibilities
  16. I get better everyday
  17. I am irreplaceable
  18. I enjoy the peace of staying true to my authentic self
  19. I am comfortable and confident being who I am
  20. I trust my intuition to lead me on the path of least resistence
  21. I forgive myself and others and let go of the past
  22. I am thankful for all of the experiences that have led me to where I am now
  23. I release all fear and anxiety of the future
  24. I let go of the stories and meaning I give to experiences and accept what is
  25. I release all attachment and accept what is
  26. I let go of restrictions and limitations
  27. I release limiting beliefs and everything that no longer serves me
  28. I have healthy boundaries in my life
  29. I enjoy the peace and happiness of the present moment
  30. I feel grounded, safe and secure
  31. I have the power to create my own reality
  32. I am limitless and open to stepping up to the next level
  33. I choose to focus on the good and manifest all that is aligned with high vibrational frequency
  34. I radiate gratitude, love, light and peace
  35. I choose positivity and happiness in each moment
  36. I am exactly where I need to be
  37. I am committed to personal growth and self development
  38. I trust in the timing of my life
  39. My heart is open and I choose love and joy
  40. I am gentle with myself
  41. I deserve everything I desire

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How To Use Affirmations

Use these affirmations in this post to feel safe and confident to trust the process and timing of your life.

I’ve found that I get the best results when I practice repeating positive affirmations in this way:

  • Before repeating any affirmation, start by breathing deeply to help you to relax.
  • When you repeat the affirmation, be sure to do so with emotion and feeling.
  • It is also extremely helpful to visualize while you’re repeating the positive affirmation.

If you follow this method and practice repeating these affirmations every day, your subconscious mind should begin to believe what you’re saying.

As a result, it will also start to reflect that belief in your actions and behaviors.

If you’re having trouble believing the affirmations, try this:

Take some time to reframe those negative thoughts and beliefs into positive statements and look for evidence to support your new positive thoughts. The evidence will help you to believe in the affirmation over time.

How To Use New Moon Affirmations

  • bookmark this page to choose a new moon affirmation
  • choose one affirmation and make it your affirmation for the week
  • start and end your day with a positive affirmation that resonates with you
  • write your affirmations on a post it and sitck it in areas where you will see them often
  • write your favorite affirmations on pieces of paper or post-it notes and carry them around with you to read throughout the day
  • record yourself saying the positive affirmations and listen to them
  • say your affirmations out loud to yourself multiple times each day
  • create a wallpaper for your digital device, using your favorite affirmations
  • start planning your day by writing your affirmation first
  • create reminders on your digital device using your favorite affirmations
  • create an affirmation jar and grab one each day
  • send yourself a daily email with your favorite positive affirmations

You can also use these affirmations as inspiration to create your own new moon affirmations.

I find the best way to create your own affirmations is to focus on using positive words and avoid using negative words.

The key is to find a method that works for you and then be consistent with it.

Take Away

These new moon affirmations are a powerful way to attract what you desire, manifest what you want and bring about positive change in your life.

By reading and repeating these affirmations during the new moon, you can raise your vibration, align with your highest self, and create positive change in your life.

Just remember to be patient and consistent with your practice, and you are sure to see results.

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