15 Things (Habits) That Lower Your Vibration & How To Quit & Replace Them With High Vibration Habits

Learn the habits and things that lower your vibration so that you can take the necessary action to stop them and replace them with healthy habits that raise your vibrations.
Low vibration habits prevent you from truly being your best self, from being happier and from attracting the great things you want into your life.
These unhealthy habits lower your vibrations and prevent you from success and from being open to life-changing opportunities.
The worst part of toxic habits that lower your vibrational frequency is that they can sometimes be inconspicuous.
This means that not only are they harder to spot, but they can harder to stop.
The great news is that with some effort and self reflection, you can spot them, take steps to stop them, and replace them with high vibration, healthier habits.

List Of Low Vibration Habits To Quit & Avoid
1. Neglecting Self Care
Life can be fast-paced and feels like there’s always something to do – especially now.
If you don’t prioritize and ensure that you slow down and take care of yourself, your body will do it for you and force you to rest (for instance, getting sick or damaging yourself because you’ve run down yourself).
And really, what is better? A rest that you’re forced into? Or one where you can actually enjoy a relaxing self-care routine?
High vibe habit: Prioritising self care.
You can’t pour from an empty cup and this is where self care can drastically improve your life. Recharging is vitally important so that you can be the best version of yourself for you and for your loved ones.
Self care is very personal and the activities you choose are as unique as you are.
If you’re stuck, try some of these self-care ideas to rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul.

2. Not Practicing Self Love
I’m sure you’ve heard it before – loving yourself is extremely important.
When you don’t love yourself, it’s easier to engage in negative self talk and self sabotaging habits.
Your self esteem and confidence may also suffer and you may find yourself being generally less happy.
High vibe habit: Love Yourself More
Practicing self love is crucial for a better life.
There’s nobody that you will ever spend more time with and honestly, there’s no love that will better for you. You know yourself best and can love yourself in the best way possible.
So, always seek to treat yourself with the love, honor, and respect that you deserve.
The way you love yourself sets the tone for how others treat you and more importantly, for what you will and will not accept.
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3. Self Critiquing
While it’s good to be aware of your shortcomings and grow from your mistakes, it’s possible to be too critical of yourself.
Self-critiquing will lower your vibration and can lead to the destruction of your self-confidence and self-worth.
Focusing too much on the negatives and striving for perfection can do more damage than good.
High vibe habit: Positive Self Talk
Positive self talk will encourge positive thinking and positive vibes.
When you train your mind to seek the good in every situation, you will live a happier and more abundant life. You will find yourself feeling less disappointed and more fulfilled.
Try these affirmations to start the habit of self talk:

4. Comparing yourself to others
Comparing yourself to other people is very damaging to your self-worth.
This toxic, low vibration habit makes you second guess yourself, your value, self esteem and keeps you in a state of lack.
It takes away from your uniqueness and prevents you from being and sharing your gifts and qualities with yourself and your loved ones.
It can stop you from trying because you think you’re not good enough and someone can do it better.
High vibe habit: Be The Best Version Of YOU
The truth is that your voice, your value, and your contribution can never ever be replaced. You matter!
Work towards not comparing yourself with others by taking a social media break, ending unhealthy relationships, creating healthy boundaries and by realizing and owning how awesome you are.
Understand that there are no limits to what you can achieve and always strive to improve yourself through spiritual, mental and physical growth.
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5. Self Doubt
Doubting your abilities and your strengths, putting yourself down and negative self-talk are incredibly harmful low vibration habits.
When you doubt your abilities or doubt that you can have something, you’re in a place of lack. You keep telling yourself and putting it out there that you doubt that you can have what you want and do all that you want to do.
High vibe habit: Believe In Yourself
Instead, use these short positive affirmations and these self love affirmations to change your mindset and start believing in your abilities, remove blocks and limitations and create an abundant mindset.
Believing in yourself raises your vibrations and is critical to manifesting everything you want in life, being happy, fulfilled, and successful.
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6. Needing Too Much Control
You have control over your actions, reactions, and your decisions.
When it comes to situations that are out of your control, don’t fall into the low vibration habit of trying to exert your control.
High vibe habit: Let Go Of Things You Cannot Control
Instead, focus on your reaction and your role in the situation. View the situation as an observer and try to move on.
You can always ask yourself, what’s the lesson? What’s ‘the good’ in this situation? What are you going to do to overcome and make the best out of a situation that you cannot control?

7. Wasting Time and Procrastinating
Even though life is busy, prioritizing is key to getting the things that are most important done.
Sometimes, we fall into the low vibration habit of wasting time on things that aren’t important – scrolling through social media, for example.
High vibe habit: Prioritise & Take Action
Reclaim your “lost” time by doing a time audit. There are lots of apps available now to track your time over a period so that you can see where you are spending your time.
Use this information to change the way you do things and use your time more wisely.
Focus your time and attention on things that add value to your life.
Procrastinating is a bad habit that a lot of us struggle with.
You may intentionally avoid certain tasks by doing something more enjoyable but less important.
The stinger is that the tasks that you’re avoiding still need to get done and when you finally get around to it, you most likely have to rush and don’t give it your best, leading to an undesired outcome.
Procrastinating can also lead to feeling demotivated and lower self-confidence.
To stop this low vibration habit, try promising yourself a reward for completing the tasks.
Try be more proactive with the type of tasks that you usually procrastinate with – as they arise, try your best to act on it and “get it out of the way” and maybe even ask a friend to check in with you to ensure that you’re staying on track.

8. Letting Your Past Define You
Your past is gone, don’t let it negatively affect your present and future.
When you let your past define and control you, you’re setting yourself to stay in a low vibrational state and great opportunities will pass you by.
When you hold on to the past, you’re prolonging the pain or negative feelings you had with your past experiences and allowing yourself to live there.
High vibe habit: Let Go So That You Can Let In
Instead, take all the good, work through the bad, and embrace the lessons you’ve learned.
Learn to live in the moment and look towards a bright tomorrow.
When you let go, you’re making space for all the good things that you want in your life.
Think of it like a cluttered closet and wanting new clothes – you have to declutter your old clothes, to make space for the new ones.
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9. Letting Mistakes Define You
We all make mistakes but believing that we are our mistakes is a dangerous low vibration habit.
It can feel easier to let the fear of repeating a mistake prevent you from trying again.
However, the problem with this reaction is that you’re most probably preventing yourself from achieving great things.
You’re not allowing yourself to live up to your potential.
High vibe habit: Learn From Your Mistakes & Improve Yourself
The best thing you can do is learn from your mistakes so that you grow and become a better version of yourself.
Recognize and learn critical lessons from your mistakes to gain fresh perspectives and angles to tackle your situation, goal, or dream.
Arm yourself with these lessons to adjust or change bad or toxic behaviors and to help make better future decisions.

10. Not Forgiving
Holding on to past hurt is a low vibration habit that cab often wreak havoc in your life by filling our space with resentment, bitterness and perhaps even negative thoughts.
High vibe habit: Forgiving and Letting Go
Forgiving others is just as important as forgiving yourself to ensure that you are letting go of past pain and making room for all the good that you intend to manifest into your life.
Even though forgiving and letting go is definitely not an overnight process, you can make great strides once you put your mind to it and you intentionally take the right steps to heal.
The important thing is that you take the necessary time and put in the effort to be able to truly forgive and let go.
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11. Negativity and Pessimism
Bad things obviously happen in life but harping on it is just no good.
Developing a negative mindset and outlook on life is a recipe for a pretty unhappy, low vibration life.
If negativity is a bad habit that you are trying to stop, try learning to recognize what triggers your negative thoughts.
High vibe habit: Develop A Positive Mindset
To develop a positive mindset strive to see that there’s beauty in everything and that there’s good in every situation.
You should also try to feed you mind and soul with positive things and practice positive self talk.
Try taking your tough moments as lessons and an opportunity for growth.

12. Complaining
Complaining or being around someone who complains a lot is emotionally draining, stressful and very bad low vibration habit.
Constantly complaining is not only a downer, it’s unproductive.
What’s going to change when you focus most or all of your energy on seeing the bad and complaining?
High vibe habit: Become proactive & solve problems
Instead, learn to take full responsibility for your life, including your actions and reactions to situations.
You can find ways to cool off, talk with a loved one, or journal to process and work through your feelings.
Then, focus on lessons to be learned and problem-solving.
If you aren’t happy with something, find a way to make a change!
Sometimes, it may be a small adjustment, other times it may be bigger, like leaving an unhealthy environment or situation.

13. Being A People Pleaser
Being a people pleaser most times means that you make too many sacrifices at your own expense to make others happy, to avoid conflict or tough conversations.
The worst part is that you’re likely to lose yourself in the process of trying so hard to please others.
In life, conflict and tough conversations will arise, but once you work on your confidence and self-esteem, you will be in a much better position to handle these situations.
Also, the fact is that you can’t make everyone happy and that is ok.
High vibe habit: Set Healthy Boundaries
Give what you can freely and be comfortable with your efforts.
Step back if you feel that you are being treated unfairly and take care of yourself.
Learn to set healthy boundaries so that you can get the most out of every situation and relationship.

14. Not prioritizing your health
I get it – you’re busy and sometimes being healthy can feel hard.
Unhealthy things taste really good and unhealthy habits are incredibly easy to form.
It feels easier to relax in front of the tv than it is to do some exercise.
It’s also sometimes easy to skip meals or eat fast foods when you’re busy.
High vibe habit: Prioritise Your Health
Looking after your health is of course, vital to your quality of life.
Start taking charge and prioritizing your overall health today.
Every day try to drink sufficient water, get enough sleep, maintain a healthy diet, and get exercise.
Start small and work your way up to what feels comfortable and good for you.
The rewards of living a healthy life is definitely worth the effort to make the healthier decisions.

15. Using your phone right before bed and as soon as you get up
While being connected is a great advantage for us, it can also be highly addictive and harmful.
It’s definitely one of the main time sucks for most people and one of the more prevalent low vibration habits.
You lay in bed to quickly check something before going to sleep, only to realize hours have passed.
Perhaps worse, is the fact that your quality of sleep is negatively affected if this is your habit before bed. So, toss the phone and try some deep breathing to drift off to sleep.
If you have trouble falling asleep, try some of these sleep tips.
Similarly, checking your phone as you wake up is really a bad habit.
High vibe habit: Reduce Your Digital Usage
Try to detox from digital devices and always feeling like you need to be connected.
Here are some simple ideas that you can start with:
- leave your phone in another room while you sleep
- take off notifications from your phone
- check your phone less often throughout the day
If you’re finding it to be extremely difficult to change your digital device usuage – try to reduce or change one habit at a time and stay consistent until it becomes easy and feels good.
The key is to start small and stay consistent.

The Best Way To Break Low Vibration Habits And Replace With High Vibration Habits
The first step in getting rid of low vibration habits is to recognize them.
You can do this through journaling, talking to a supportive loved one, or talking with a professional to help to identify the bad habits that you need to remove.
The next very important step is to own your bad habits. Don’t try to minimize or trivialize them.
Take responsibility for your habits and actions and understand why you want to stop the toxic behaviors now.
Lastly and perhaps the most challenging step is to make an effort to stop your bad habits.
You can probably stop some bad low vibration habits easier than others and some may take longer than others.
But the key is to make the mindful decision to start the process to stop and remove the low vibration habits.
The best ways that I’ve found to replace a low vibration habit with a healthy high vibration habit is through consistency and persistence.
I really hope this post has inspired and prompted you to cut some low vibe habits out of your life so that you can live a happier and more fulfilling life.

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