53 Best Positive Affirmations For Anxiety Relief That Work

53 Best Positive Affirmations For Anxiety Relief That Work

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Suffering from anxiety? Here are 53 of the best positive affirmations for anxiety relief that have worked extremely well with my family.

Anxiety is a normal emotion that we all feel at some point in our lives.

It’s what we feel when we’re worried, nervous, or scared about something.

While anxiety is a normal emotion, it can become a problem when it’s too much or it lasts for a long time.

Positive affirmations are positive statements that can help to change your mindset.

For example, if you’re feeling anxious about a upcoming test, saying “I am confident and prepared” to yourself can help to ease those anxious feelings.

Positive affirmations are phrases or sentences that you repeat to yourself to encourage and motivate.

When used correctly, they can be incredibly powerful in helping to reduce anxiety.

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Anxiety Affirmations for Kids

It’s normal for kids to feel anxious from time to time.

Whether it’s a big test at school or meeting new people, anxiety is a part of life.

However, when anxiety starts to interfere with daily activities, it’s important to seek help. 

There are many ways to help ease children’s anxiety, one of which is through affirmations.

By repeating positive statements, children can begin to change the way they think and feel about themselves.

  1. I am safe
  2. I love my life
  3. I love myself
  4. I believe in myself
  5. I love that I know how to breathe to calm myself
  6. I enjoy being calm
  7. I am important
  8. I am unique
  9. I am enough
  10. I make a difference
  11. It’s easy for me to choose happiness
  12. I can overcome any difficulty
  13. There are awesome people in my life to help me
  14. I enjoy asking for help
  15. It is safe for me to ask for help
  16. I love meeting new people and making friends
  17. My opinion matters and it’s important to share
  18. I enjoy sharing my unique talents and skills with those around me
  19. It’s totally okay to make mistakes – that’s how we learn!
  20. This might seem hard but I’ve got this!
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Affirmations for Anxiety Relief for Adults

Anxiety is a normal part of life. It’s a natural response to stress and can be helpful in certain situations.

But for some people, anxiety can become so overwhelming that it interferes with daily life.

If you’re struggling with anxiety, you’re not alone.

There are things you can do to manage your symptoms and feel better.

anxiety affirmations - positive affirmations for anxiety relief

33 Anxiety Affirmations For Adults

  1. I am grateful for my life
  2. Being present is the best way for me to live
  3. The past is gone and the future is not yet here, the present is the only time I have
  4. I am thankful that I know I can handle everything that comes my way
  5. I have everything within me to solve any problem
  6. I love myself unconditionally
  7. I forgive myself
  8. I forgive those who have hurt me in the past
  9. I am safe
  10. I am in control of my mind and body
  11. I enjoy being calm and stress free
  12. I can handle anything that comes my way
  13. I am in charge of my happiness
  14. My thoughts are clear and focused
  15. I am a confident person
  16. I feel safe and calm knowing that everything works out for me in the best way for me
  17. I am open to receive the best that life has to offer
  18. No situation is too difficult for me to handle
  19. I have all the resources I need to overcome tough situations
  20. I’ve got this!
  21. I enjoy being relaxed
  22. It is safe for me to feel calm , relaxed and stress free
  23. I can do everything I set my mind to
  24. I enjoy the peace I feel
  25. I know that every tough situation is a chance to learn something valuable
  26. I choose to see the good and the positive in every situation
  27. Being positive helps me to stay calm and at peace
  28. I am glad I get the chance to be happy and peace
  29. I control my thoughts and I choose to think positive, happy thoughts
  30. I am good at relieving my anxiety with slow, deep breaths and bringing my mental and thoughts to the present moment only
  31. As I breathe, I open myself and welcome peace and calmness
  32. I am exactly where I need to be right now and trust that I will be ok
  33. I choose to focus my energy on positive thoughts about the present moment
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How To Use Positive Affirmations For Anxiety

Positive affirmations to relieve anxiety are very helpful when you repeat them to yourself on a regular basis.

Many times, people with anxiety think about and fear something that will happen in the future. They’re not in the present moment and constantly worry about what’s going to happen.

Anxiety affirmations help to remind you that you are in control of your thoughts and emotions and that it’s safe to stay in the present moment.

To get started, choose an anxiety affirmation from the list above that resonates with you.

Next, find the best way to repeat the affirmation several times a day. Here are some ideas:

  • Write the affirmation down on a post it and place it in a visible spot
  • Write your chosen affirmation as you plan your day
  • Record them and listen to the recording throughout the day
  • Create an image of the affirmation for your phone or laptop
  • Repeat your affirmation while holding a stone, crystal, beads on a ring or bracelet.

Whatever you choose, try to say the anxiety affirmations as often as you can throughout your day, especially when you start feeling anxious.

You will know that the affirmations are working, when you can say them and they feel very true and real for you.

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How To Use Crystals & Beads With Affirmations For Anxiety

Anxiety rings and bracelets are highly recommended by people who have been able to overcome anxiety.

They are recommended by people who have been able to overcome anxiety because they serve as a physical reminder to stay present and calm.

It can be easy to forget to do this when anxiety feels like it is constantly looming in the background.

However, by keeping a ring or bracelet on, it is a way of reminding you to repeat your affirmation, breathe and be in the present moment only.

It is a reminder to stay calm and relaxed.

It also serves as a distraction from anxious thoughts.

The beauty of these rings and bracelets is that they can be worn all the time, even when you are sleeping!

Summing Up Anxiety Affirmations

Anxiety affirmations are a powerful tool to relieve stress and anxiety.

By repeating positive statements about ourselves, we can train our brains to think more positively and reduce stress and anxiety.

Everyone experiences stress and anxiety at some point in their lives, but by using anxiety affirmations, they can be reduced significantly.

So the next time you’re feeling anxious, try out some anxiety affirmations and see how they help you feel calmer and more relaxed.

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