How To Manifest Someone To Be Obsessed With You In 3 Steps

While it is possible to learn how to manifest someone to be obsessed with you, there are a few things to keep in mind before you manifest people.
Firstly, obsession is a very negative emotion, and trying to manifest it into someone’s reality will only bring negative experiences into your life.
Secondly, trying to take away someone’s control and forcing them to become obsessed with you is not healthy or sustainable – it will only lead to disaster.
The best way to manifest love is to become who you want to attract and let go of control over the outcome. By simply being yourself, you will attract your ideal soulmate.
So what is an obsession, exactly?
a persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or feeling
It’s a strong, persistent feeling of admiration, love, or sexual desire for someone. It is an intense emotion that takes over a person’s thoughts and can cause them to act out of character.
As you can see, obsession is not a healthy or desirable emotion and can lead to negative consequences such as stalking, obsessive texting, calling, or even violent behavior.
3 Steps To Make Someone Obsessed With You With Manifestation
Now that you know why you shouldn’t manifest anyone to be obsessed with you.
Let’s take a look at how you use manifestation to attract someone to you and even, manifest your soulmate.
- Be who you want to attract
- Set clear intentions & ask for what you want
- Let go of the outcome & trust the timing

Become Who You Want To Attract
The first step is to let go of limiting beliefs, love yourself first, become who you want to attract, and you will become magnetic.
Let’s start off by exploring whether you are ready for the relationship and love that you want.
Learning how to manifest someone to be obsessed with you is not just about attracting a specific person into your life.
It’s also about attracting the right type of person who is compatible with you.
When manifesting a person and love, make sure that you focus on all of the good things that you want in a relationship.
This includes qualities such as mutual respect, love, trust, communication, and desire for improved well being.
Radiate Positive Energy
You’ll also need to radiate positive energy.
Think about the qualities that you want in a partner, and then put yourself in a state of mind where you can attract those qualities.
Visualize the relationship that you want to have, and feel the emotions that come with it. The more emotion you can put into your visualization, the better.
It’s also important to be clear about what you don’t want in a relationship. This includes negative qualities such as jealousy, possessiveness, and control.
When you’re clear about what you want, it becomes easier to manifest it into your reality.
Let Go Of Limiting Beliefs
If you’re wanting to make someone obsessed with you, chances are that you are coming from a place of lack or from a needy or desperate place.
When you manifest from this negative place, the results will be, you guessed it – negative.
You may even be pushing away the person you want to manifest with this negativity.
Common limiting beliefs like, I’m not attractive enough, I’m not funny, I’m not smart, I’m not outgoing enough, I bring no value, will only push your desire further away from you.
The key is to stop this negative self talk and replace them with positive statements about yourself.
So, let’s eliminate this negative energy immediately and learn how to become magnetic.
Try these positive affirmations & self love mantras to get you there.
Start by thinking of the qualities you want to attract and adopt those qualities.
If you want to manifest a healthy relationship, start by being healthy yourself. Eat nutritious foods, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly.
When you feel good about yourself, it will show in your interactions with others. People are naturally drawn to positive energy.

Or, if you want an honest and emotionally available person, then you first need to embody those qualities and be that person to yourself first.
Another important key to manifesting someone to be obsessed with you is letting go of control.
Trying to force or manipulate someone into liking or loving you will only backfire.
Instead, focus on becoming the person you want to attract.
Be genuine and authentic in your interactions, and let the chips fall where they may.
The right person for you will come along when the time is right. In the meantime, enjoy your life and have fun!
Set clear intentions & ask for what you want

It’s important to set clear intentions and ask for what you want.
If your desires are unclear or muddled, the universe won’t be able to deliver what you’re looking for.
Be clear about what you want, and make sure your intention is something that will benefit both yourself and the other person.
Here are some ideas of how to set your intentions to get someone to be obsessed:
Create a vision board
A great way to help clarify your desires is by creating a vision board.
Vision boards are a visual representation of your goals and dreams, and they can help to keep you focused on what you want to achieve.
When it comes to manifesting someone to be obsessed, include images and symbols that represent the person you desire and want to be with.
Visualize what you want
Visualization is another powerful tool at your disposal when it comes to learning how to manifest someone to be obsessed with you.
By visualizing what you want, you’re putting yourself in a position to receive it.
Make sure to see yourself with this person, and feel all the positive emotions that come along with being together.
The more positive energy you put out there, the more likely it is that you will manifest what you desire.

Script your intention
If you’re finding it difficult to articulate what you want, or if your desires are constantly changing, consider scripting your intention to get someone to be obsessed.
This means writing out your desired outcome in detail and then reading it aloud every day.
Not only will this help to increase your chances, but it will also help to keep you focused on what you want.
Let go of outcome & trust the timing

The final step in how to manifest someone o be obsessed with you is to let go.
Constantly thinking about how to manifest someone to be obsessed with you will bring you back to a place of need, lack, and limiting beliefs.
Have unwavering faith that you are worth it and you will manifest someone – the most compatible love to you.
After your ask for what you want, it’s time to let go of the outcome and take action when the time is right.
Taking action will help to bring the desired result into reality. By taking action, you ensure that you are focusing on achieving your goal.
Remember to stay in the moment and take action when it is right. This will help you to manifest your desires much faster.
In order to manifest your soulmate, it is important to remain positive and have faith.
When you remain positive, keep limiting beliefs away and have faith, everything will fall into place. You will be able to manifest your desires much faster and easier.
The universe will help you to achieve your goals as long as you believe in yourself and stay positive.
Enjoy the journey
Enjoy the process of attracting them into your life.
When you focus on the joy and fun that comes with manifestation, you will be able to manifest your desires much faster.
The journey of manifestation is an exciting process. It’s a process of growth and learning.
As long as you remain positive and have faith, you will be able to achieve your goals.
So, remember to let go of the outcome and enjoy the journey. Stay positive and have faith, and everything will fall into place.

Final Thoughts On How To Manifest Someone To Be Obsessed With You
The bottom line is that manifesting someone to be obsessed with you isn’t something that can be forced or controlled. It’s a process that requires time, focus, and positive energy.
The most effective way to use law of attraction and manifestation to follow the 3 steps outlined above, be patient and stay the course, and eventually, the universe will deliver what you desire.
Manifesting someone to be obsessed with you doesn’t happen overnight; it takes time and patience.
Stay positive and focused on your goal, and don’t give up if things don’t happen immediately.
The more you put yourself in a position to receive love, the more likely it is that you will manifest your ideal partner.
It is important to set clear intentions, visualize the outcome and take action.
When you do these things, you will be well on your way to attracting your ideal soulmate into your life.
Remember to focus on the positive aspects of what you want to manifest and avoid any negative thoughts or doubts. Follow these simple tips and you will be well on your way to finding true love.
So there you have it! How To Manifest Someone To Be Obsessed With You. By following these simple tips, you will be well on your way to finding the love of your life.
Remember to stay positive, have faith, and let go of the outcome. Enjoy the journey and everything will fall into place.

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