53 Self Love Affirmations & Mantras To Love Yourself More

self love affirmations - self love mantras - self love

This list of self love affirmations is exactly what you need when you are struggling to love yourself.

Use these self love mantras every day to learn how to love yourself again.

Use these positive affirmations for self love to grow and learn how to love yourself again, fiercely and so beautifully.

Improving the love you have yourself can be hard at times as you’re often your worst critic.

It feels worse when life isn’t going the way you want and when other people make you feel unloved.

Self love is so important for our mental and emotional wellbeing.

When we love ourselves, we are better able to give and receive love from others.

We are also better able to deal with difficult situations because we have a strong foundation of self-respect.

Once you have a healthy love for yourself, others cannot penetrate and make you feel any less worthy of love – your love.

self love affirmation, self love mantras

Self Love Affirmations

  1. I love myself
  2. I am irreplaceable
  3. I manifest love
  4. My love is best for me
  5. I accept my love
  6. My self love is infinite
  7. I believe in myself
  8. I am blessed
  9. I am positive
  10. I am condifent
  11. I choose joy
  12. I am beautiful
  13. I am comfortable in my own skin
  14. I am special
  15. I am a good person
  16. I choose me
  17. I am unique
  18. I am amazing
  19. I accept myself
  20. I am where I am supposed to be
  21. I am enough
  22. I respect myself
  23. I am strong
  24. I am whole
  25. I am worthy
  26. I am doing my best
  27. I am proud of myself
  28. I work hard
  29. I am resilient
  30. I am a survivor
  31. I am a warrior
  32. I am loved
  33. Love flows to me
  34. I deserve love
  35. I am passionate
  36. I am centered
  37. I am peaceful
  38. I am successful
  39. I forgive myself
  40. I am a work in progress
  41. I am gentle with myself
  42. I am optimistic
  43. I am talented
  44. I am creative
  45. I am valuable
  46. I embrace my strengths and my weaknesses
  47. I am brave
  48. I follow my dreams
  49. I am motivated to live my best life
  50. I am honorable
  51. I am honest
  52. I am kind
  53. I am so blessed and proud to be me

Benefits Of Self love Affirmations

Self-love is something that we should all nurture. We often focus on the love we have for others, but it’s important to remember to love ourselves too.

The biggest lesson I’ve learned in life is that I am responsible for the love, understanding, compassion and friendship that I desire and deserve.

It is widely thought that affirmations work to rewire your brain and enable you to believe the words you’re repeating to yourself.

These self love affirmations can help to condition your mind and form healthy habits that foster self care and self love.

You will find it easy to treat yourself better and make better decisions for yourself.

The truth is that the longest relationship you will have in life is the one that you have with yourself.

So, use these affirmations to help have a good, worthwhile and happy relationship with yourself.

There are so many benefits that can be derived from repeating self love affirmations. Here is a short list of benefits that you can experience from repeating self love affirmations:

  • form healthy self love habits
  • increase self awareness
  • love yourself more
  • maintain a healthy relationship with yourself
  • understand yourself more
  • appreciate yourself
  • grow and develop
  • form a healthy sense of self worth
  • make better decisions for yourself

How To Use These Self Love Affirmations

This is my favorite way to repeat self love affirmations:

  • choose an affirmation from the list that resonates with you
  • breathe in deeply until you feel relaxed
  • write or repeat the affirmation with emotion
  • visualize as you are repeating the self love affirmation

Try to be very consistent with repeating positive self love affirmations so that you can form a healthy habit of positive self talk.

As you form the habit and practice repeating self love affirmations in this way, you will soon start to see a positive change in your life.

Here are some ideas of how to use these self love affirmations:

Here are some ideas of how to use positive self love affirmations:

  1. write an affirmation of the day on your daily planner
  2. write it on a sticky note and put it somewhere you ll see it every day.
  3. Create a self affirmation jar and grab one every morning
  4. Create a wallpaper for your digital device

You can also use these self love affirmations as inspirations and create your own.

Creating your own personal affirmations is also a great way to show yourself some love.

Think about what areas of your life you would like to improve, such as believing that you are worthy of love, and create a positive statement about it.

This personalization helps to make the affirmations more meaningful and even more powerful.

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To wrap up, you know that the way you speak to yourself and the words you use are very powerful in forming your self image and self worth.

So, make your words work for you – let your positive self love mantras be what you want your life to be and how you want to feel.

Repeat these self love affirmations every day to remind yourself of all the love that you deserve and all that you are worth.

Even if you don’t believe it at first, trust in the power of positive affirmations for self love.

Know that over time, you will not only believe these self love affirmations but you will fall in love with yourself again, love yourself more and drastically improve your mood, attitude, and life.

I hope you enjoy the benefits of these affirmations and share with a friend. Remember to use these positive affirmations for self love regularly to consistently improve the relationship you have with yourself.

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