53 Morning Affirmations To Have The Best Day

Morning Affirmations For Women - positive morning affirmations

Say these 53 morning affirmations to start your day right and enjoy the best day!

These morning affirmations for women, men & kids will help to have the best mindset for your day and prepare you to be open to receiving all of the good things that are coming your way.

53 Positive Morning Affirmations

  1. I’m starting today with a grateful heart, I am grateful for ____
  2. Today is a great day
  3. I complete myself
  4. I attract the reflection of myself – love, light, happiness, abundance, ____
  5. I’ve got this
  6. I choose happiness
  7. I am open to receive all blessings coming my way
  8. I let go of my past mistakes and pain
  9. I release all negativity and things that don’t serve me
  10. I am radiant and beautiful, inside and out
  11. I love myself, my personality, my smile, my body, my _____
  12. I know my worth and deserve the best
  13. I do not settle for less than I deserve
  14. I am loveable and open to receive all the love I deserve
  15. I love every aspect of my life
  16. I have everything I need within me, to get all that I desire
  17. I believe in myself
  18. I am capable of achieving everything I need
  19. I am confident
  20. I trust my instincts and stay true to myself
  21. I am worthy and deserving of everything I desire
  22. I am focused and reliable
  23. I let go of my past mistakes and pain
  24. I am fearless and brave
  25. I am valuable
  26. I value my standards and set healthy boundaries
  27. I define who I am. Other people’s opinions and actions do not define me
  28. Today, I let go of comparing myself to others
  29. I am responsible for, and own my actions
  30. I don’t own other people’s actions and don’t let it affect me negatively
  31. I allow people to be responsible for their actions
  32. I release all negativity, including people and situations
  33. I am an inspiration to myself and to others
  34. I can handle everything that is happening
  35. There is no limit on what I can achieve
  36. I have a growth mindset and I get better every day
  37. Opportunities and possibilities are endless
  38. I have the power to control my actions and reactions
  39. I wil make better financial decisions today
  40. I will find the joy, smiles and laughter throughout my day
  41. I enjoy learning new things
  42. I am confident in my abilities and welcome any challenges that today may bring
  43. I will make healthy choices today
  44. My feelings are important and I am aware of them
  45. I embrace change and I release fear of the unknown
  46. I am passionate about my life, goals and dreams
  47. I am determined to achieve all that I set out to do today
  48. Self care is important and I will invest quality time in caring for myself
  49. Today, I will feed my soul, mind and body
  50. I uplift myself as well as those around me
  51. I am gentle and compassionate with myself
  52. I am a loyal person and I value loyalty in others
  53. I have an abundant mindset

Benefits of Morning Affirmations

Morning affirmations are one of the best ways to start your morning and set the tone for your day.

These positive affirmations will help you to:

  • start your morning right
  • increase the likelihood of having a great day
  • improve your mindset
  • gain clairity to make better decisions
  • improve confidence
  • tackle tough situations should they arise

How To Use Positive Morning Affirmations

Repeating affirmations is very personal and you should always do what feels best and right for you.

If you’re now starting out, here are some easy to follow tips on how to incorporate morning affirmations into your daily routine.

Try to practice repeating positive affirmations in this way for best results:

  • Breathing deeply to help you to relax
  • Visualize as you are repeating the positive morning affirmation
  • Repeat the morning affirmation with emotion and feeling

Here are some tips for how to use morning affirmations daily:

  • Bookmark this page
  • Every morning, choose a positive affirmation that resonates with you
  • Repeat your affirmations out loud or in your head multiple times a day
  • Write your chosen affirmation as you plan your day
  • Write down your affirmation and put it where you will see it often
  • Create some of your own positive morning affirmations
  • Create an affirmation jar & grab one every day

You can use these ideas for inspiration and come up with your own way to remember to repeat your affirmation.

Making Morning Affirmations A Habit

Choose one affirmation, that resonates with you, from these 53 positive affirmations woman, men & kids to say in the morning to start the day right and have the best mindset to have the best day possible.

Repeat the affirmation with feeling and unwavering belief and experience the magic of positive self-talk and mantras.

Have a great day!

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