65 Gratitude Affirmations For A Happier, Abundant Life

These are the best gratitude affirmations for manifesting an abundant life. These affirmations for gratitude and abundance will instantly raise your vibrations so that you become aligned with attracting more good things into your life.
The power of saying “I am grateful” and using gratitude affirmations can have an incredible and immediate positive impact on your life.
Being grateful and expressing gratitude creates a state of abundance and is one of the most powerful emotions you can feel and express.
Gratitude opens the door to all kinds of possibilities. When you are grateful, you open yourself up to receiving more good things.
When you focus on gratitude, it opens up the floodgates of blessings and abundance in your life.
In this post, I’m sharing 65 of the best gratitude affirmations that will help you manifest an abundant life!
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55 Gratitude Affirmations For Manifesting An Abundant Life
I am grateful for
- each day I am alive and healthy.
- my family and friends.
- my abundant life.
- my experiences, both good and bad.
- my strength and resilience.
- my ability to love and be loved.
- the roof over my head, the food on my table and clean water to drink.
- my talents and abilities.
- my sense of humor.
- my ability to see the beauty in life.
- the courage to face my fears.
- my compassion and empathy.
- my willingness to help others.
- my love of learning, education and career.
- my ability to see the good in people.
- my capacity for forgiveness.
- everything that I have and everything that I am.
- all of my opportunities.
- my many blessings
I am grateful that I
- get to be available for the best that life has to offer
- have everthing I need within me
- enjoy a life of abundance
- am generous
- choose gratitude every day
- replace negative thoughts with positive ones
- am able to see the good in every situation
- am open to understanding others
- am respectful of boundaries
- have the power to create my own reality
- am not limited with what i can achieve
- am grateful that everything comes to me with ease
- am only available for opportunities
- am only available for the best that life has to offer
- learned how to raise my vibrations
- learned about the power of gratitude
- learned to be grateful and constantly attract abundance
- can trust my intuition
- am connected with myself
- can set healthy boundaries
- can slow down to see tough situations in a positive light
- can solve any problems that come my way
- can treat myself with kindness and grace
- am able to forgive
- am able to let go to let in opportunities and blessings
- am open for finanial abundance and money flows to me with ease
- choose to be open to receive abundance
- am generous
- am caring
- am authentic
- am genuine
- always give my best to myself
I am grateful that:
- everything always works out for me
- my success in inevitable
- that my life keeps getting better and better
Use these 33 gratitude affirmations and 21 gratitude journal prompts to help you get started.

You can also grab this Gratitude Prompts Fillable PDf, Hyperlinked to 21 Gratitude Journal Prompts Digital Download.
This gratitude journal printable comes 21 gratitude journal prompts that are hyperlinked to individual fillable journal sheets. This makes journaling on your digital device so much easier!
For the next 21 days, challenge yourself to use the gratitude journal prompts designed to help you train your mind to express gratitude more often and focus on developing a more positive mindset.
11 Thank You Universe Affirmations
- Thank you, universe, for my abundant life
- Thank you, universe, for all of my blessings
- Thank you, universe, for this day
- Thank you, universe, for the wisdom and intuition
- Thank you, universe for continued guidance
- Thank you, universe for all the lessons you have taught me
- Thank You, Universe for the ability to forgive myself and others
- Thank you, universe for all that is to come
- Thank you, universe for the unconditional love in my life
- Thank you, universe for my patience and understanding
- Thank you, universe for everyone in my life

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How Gratitude Affirmations Work
Saying thank you and expressing gratitude is a way of showing appreciation to the universe and higher power.
It is a humble way of admitting that you are not in control and that you are willing to receive help.
It is an acknowledgment that there is something bigger and more powerful than you.
Gratitude affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself either out loud or in your mind.
By repeating gratitude affirmations, you are training your mind to focus on the positive and to be grateful for what you have.
This simple act can quickly change your life dramatically by shifting your attitude and improving your mood almost instantly.
Gratitude affirmations also help to increase your overall sense of well-being.
It has been linked with better health, improved sleep, lower stress levels, and increased resilience and energy levels.
Gratitude affirmations are a simple way to bring more gratitude into your life.
They only take a few seconds to say, but their effects can last all day long.
Try repeating gratitude affirmations first thing in the morning, throughout the day, and before you go to bed at night.
How To Use Gratitude Affirmations
Try to practice repeating positive affirmations in this way for best results:
- Before repeating any affirmation, start by breathing deeply to help you to relax.
- Repeat the affirmation with emotion and feeling.
- Visualize while you’re repeating the positive affirmation.
Here are some tips for how to use gratitude affirmations effectively:
- Bookmark this page and choose an affirmation for the day
- Choose affirmations that resonate with you personally
- Repeat your affirmations out loud, multiple times a day
- Write a gratitude affirmation as you plan your day
- Write down your affirmations and post them somewhere you’ll see them often
- Write down each affirmation on a piece of paper and create a gratitude jar – grab one every day
You can also come up with your own affirmations. Use the gratitude affirmations in this post as inspiration and make your affirmations very personal and specific.
To sum up, gratitude affirmations are a powerful tool that can help shift your mindset and focus from negative to positive.
By regularly practicing gratitude affirmations, you can train your brain to automatically look for the good in any situation.
As you focus on gratitude, you will also begin to see all the awesome things the universe has in store for you!
Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can have a profound impact on your happiness and wellbeing.
Repeating gratitude affirmations is also one way to harness the power of gratitude and attract more abundance into your life.
When you focus on gratitude, more blessings will come your way, you’ll likely feel happier and more resilient in the face of challenges.
So, what are you waiting for? Start practicing gratitude today and watch your life transform!
I’d love to hear from you, what are some of your favorite gratitude affirmations? Share them in the comments below!
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